How to find new friends when you have a disability

It’s a well-known fact that friendships and making friends are good for your health – I think I have found the Holy Grail to helping people with a Disability do this in a safe way. After having spent a decade in leadership roles in the disability sector, one thing that continues to make my brain […]

Most Common NDIS myths explained


Some aspects of the NDIS and how funding works within the scheme can be confusing at the best of times. You’re definitely not the only one to get confused as understanding the NDIS can take a long time. At UDC, we receive a lot of enquiries regarding specific aspects of NDIS funding. Answers to some […]

Supported Independent Living on the Gold Coast

front of sda housing accommodation

Supported Independent Living or SIL is a kind of support that helps National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participants live independently in their own home. It shouldn’t be confused with SDA (Specialist Disability Accommodation) which refers to the house itself and modifications within the home. SIL is not about any physical features of your home but […]

Improvements to Home and Living supports including SIL for NDIS participants in 2022

The Australian Government and the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) announced improvements and changes to the home and living supports covered under the NDIS at the start of April 2022. The new adjustments have been established in consultation with NDIS participants and providers to ensure the best possible outcomes for the people with a disability. […]